Grading Plan is a part of nearly every Aidedo engineering project. That conforms to the requirement of the city/county of grading ordinance, standard specifications.
Grading Plan needs to follow minimum surface grades for drainage away from the building pads, lot drainage swales, type of pavement. And all slopes, cut or fill meet maximum of 2:1 or 1.5:1 depending on city/county.
Grading Plan needs a set of sheets: Title Sheet, Grading Plan, Driveway Profile & Cross-Sections, Erosion & Sediment Control Plan, and maybe more than depending on local government.
If you are a Aidedo engineering consulting firm, and you are considering outsourcing some part of your work, we would highly recommend that you should try outsourcing grading plan.
We can give you a hand with Grading Objects, Surface Modeling, Earthwork Balancing, Plan Sheet set up and creation using AutoCAD 2D, AutoCAD Aidedo 3D.
You just provide us topo file, basic ideas or just a hand sketch, then we will do the rest such as: figure out pad size, grades, cut/fill slope, outfall location meet project’s requirements. We will get back to you Grading Plan including plan sheets, earthwork quantity, area of disturbance and more as your company’s form.
Each project needs to be on schedule, save cost, spend the least human resources. And we have successfully completed many Grading Plan using Autocad 2D, Aidedo 3D. So is it better if you consider what you must do and what you can outsource to others as an engineering and CAD drafting services provider?
If you are keen to find out more about how our firm can support you to complete your Grading Plan, contact us today. You can fill out our online form below or contact us via contact@aidedo.com. Thank you and we look forward to working with you on your next projects.
Please fill out the form below and let us know how we can serve you. Thank you!